Is LobbyCentral required or can I use LobbyCentral Appointments as a stand-alone appointment system?

Yes.   LobbyCentral appointments integrates directly with your LobbyCentral cloud account or on-premise server to create appointments.   If you do not have already have a LobbyCentral account, you can sign up for a free trial of the cloud service in addition to a LobbyCentral Appointments trial account.

How secure is LobbyCentral Appointments?

We take security very seriously.  LobbyCentral Appointments information is encrypted when going between your LobbyCentral system.   In addition, we've added an extra layer of security to verify that the source of the request is coming from an authorized URL that you designate.

Can I customize the hours and days that my locations are open?

Yes!   In addition to providing basic information such as address and phone, you set each location's operating hours, including day of the week.  Locations are pulled in from your LobbyCentral account.

Can I manually review appointment requests instead of having them automatically post?

Yes.  Appointments are created in LobbyCentral and set to either confirmed or pending.  These appointments can be managed directly in LobbyCentral on the appointment page.   One or more users will be notified if a pending appointment has been created.   Once it has been approved, your customer will receive a  confirmation email.

If I add more locations or users in the future, will my cost go up?

Nope.  LobbyCentral Appointments is a flat cost and will not increase if you decide to add more locations.

What is the benefit of paying annually? Can I be billed by invoice?

When paying annually, there is a 10% discount that is applied to the total cost.  If you would like make arrangements to pay by invoice, please contact [email protected] for more information.  Monthly invoice is not available at this time and a purchase order is required to pay by invoice.

Does the LobbyCentral Appointments fee include LobbyCentral?

No.  The costs shown on the pricing page are for the LobbyCentral Appointment service and would be on top of the costs associated with LobbyCentral.

I am an LobbyCentral Enterprise customer.  Is there a cost for LobbyCentral Appointments?

LobbyCentral Appointments is included in both the on-premise and cloud enterprise packages.  Pease contact [email protected] for more information.